Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful songbird with feathers of dark purple. When she sang, kingdoms gathered to hear. She was kind and gentle, and loved more then anything to fly through the air, and feel sunshine and moonlight on her back.
One day a monster heard her voice, and glimpsed her beauty. Hearing his own voice, and seeing his own reflection, he grew envious of the bird. So he captured her, and took her back to his castle where he kept her locked in a stone walled room, with barred windows, and caged, so she knew how trapped she would always be.
Everyday the monster would make the bird perform for him. And everyday out of fear, she did. She sang for him, and hoped somehow, her love and beauty would break the bars around her, or move the monster so that even he could find a goodness inside himself, and show her kindness. Day after day he treated her with hatred and jealousy. The bird would often ask the monster “If I displease you so, may you set me free, so I may be among the birds, and those I do not displease…among those that love me?” and the monster would answer “You do displease me. You colors offend me, your song is most horrid and I dislike everything about birds”. When the bird asked why she was kept if she was so unloved, he answered “Because no one loves monsters, therefore, no one shall ever love you”
She longed for escape, for the feel of the sunshine and moonlight on her back. Everyday she became more hopeless, as everyday after the bird sang for the monster, he would pluck out one feather from her wings. In this way, the bird learned the song of life she so loved meant losing flight and freedom. Everyday she became more and more afraid to sing. Soon she no longer longed for sunshine, or moonlight on her back. Soon, she no longer longed for her own song.
On the morning the purple bird had but two feathers left, one on each wing, the monster came in and told the bird to sing so he may pluck out the last two feathers. The bird knew this was her very last song, so she sang louder and with more love then she ever had before. As she sang her heart filled with memories of her freedom, and happiness. Her song grew louder and louder, and carried far out the window and over the vast land where it was heard again by all. The monster was displeased with her show of strength and opened the cage to pluck out the last two feathers before her song ended. When he opened the cage she tried desperately to fly with the two feathers she had left. They barely lifted her off the ground of the cage, but that did not stop her. The monster’s hand approached, but the bird continued singing, and never stopped trying to fly, one last time.
Then, there in the barred window, appeared all the birds of the forest. The ones who were always free, and who loved and missed the purple bird. They flew in the stone walled room, as the sun still rose, and gathered on either side of the purple bird. They lifted her up, with all the feathers of the kingdom. With their flight, she rose. The birds who missed and loved her took her quickly out the window, locking the monster in the stone walled room, with a broken birdcage on the floor for all the days of his life. The birds flew far away, all in song.
When they landed, each bird plucked out one feather from their wing, and gave it to the purple bird, so she again had wings. This time they were of all the colors of the kingdom. Every time she flew, she looked at her colorful wings and smiled…she knew for every monster that existed in the world, there would always be kingdoms of love waiting…to help her fly away.
Dani Alienna
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Old Scratch
Old Scratch
A long time ago, In the kingdom of Scratch, There existed a realm of ancient ones. They were jealous creatures as they were not allowed a hand in the new creation. So as revenge, the leader, Zepar, unleashed a powerful plague called he jokingly called “Love” unto the people of the new creation. The word “Love” in the land of Scratch meant “A destroying agency; a cause of ruin or of devastation; a destroyer”
Love poisoned the land. The beauty of its infection lay within the speed in which it spread, unnoticed by the lords for thousands of years! In that time it was the cause of wars, bloodshed, unspeakable pain and betrayal, murder, vanity, jealousy, and suffering. Above all else love brought with it a million fold of tears. Love broke spirits, and imprisoned souls. It lured its victims in with the initial sense and feeling of euphoria and peace. Then in time the disease worked its way into the brains of its victims, eating away at their senses until the infected lay a blubbering, sobbing mess on the kitchen floor.
When the higher lords noticed there was a taint in the new creation, they sent after the inhabitants of Old Scratch. But they were given warning, and by then had fled into the world. They hid as nomadic creatures crossing the globe, so as always to keep one step ahead of their pursuers. They lived in bandwagons covering their faces with shiny clothes and glistening beads.
And so it went. The bands dispersed over the course of time, landing first in India then onwards towards Europe. They found their lives to be the most rewarding there. Be it summer or winter, the people now known as “Gypsies” lived beneath the moon and stars. This, was all they needed. Far better then the fear and oppression they experienced in Scratch. Zepar had done them a great good in his mischief, where once he was an outcast among outcasts. Now, they were free and lived off the rich and beautiful earth. They savored the smell of rain, and dirt. They danced naked in open fields and found pleasures in the hunt and even more so in a lustrous kind of dance which they called “The Human Experience”. Fire held the greatest beauty of all, and they would sit close to it and sing, staring into its light. Night after night they would gather and speak of the true magic they held. The gypsies learned to contain this magic so they may show it to the inhabitants without frightening them. As the older ones died out, a new generation was born, and on it went this way for some time. War, poverty and pain served the best tools to reap what the creatures of Scratch had long before sowed. It was in these times of great sorrow the humans came to the gypsies, wringing their hands and begging to be told “Love Exists”. Some played on this fear and benefited from it, taking more and more of the strange coins they never needed in the first place. The ones the humans would desperately throw at them. If only, they could promise something greater then the life in which they were now cursed.
Love was bottled, manufactured and sold, as carelessly as it was unleashed. Its murky dank appearance let on nothing of the deadly power it harnessed. One day, Stiggur and Theron, sons of Zepar sat talking by the river bank that washed through their camp. A third, Zindelo, bathed naked with the other gypsy women as he often did, and took no notice of them as he threw himself again and again into “The Human Experience” with one woman in particular. Theron debated with his brother that it just so might happen, one of their own, could be infected with love, if one were ever to drink the potion that is. Stiggur vehemently denied this was a possibility and on they went until the debate became heated. But they so loved these human moments and fed on the passion, building it higher and higher. It were times such as this, when they argued, cried, and laughed, life on earth was really worth living. But none the less, to prove his point, Theron took from his pocket “love” in a little brown bottle. He got up and begin searching for something in the grass. Once he found was he was looking for he called Stiggur over and motioned for him to be silent. Theron poured the rest of love out into the grass, beside a beautiful fairy, who slept peacefully in the summer winds. In one thrust Theron pushed the fairy into a puddle of love! She awoke, full of rage and confusion and demanded who pushed her in all this muck! What fairies lack in intelligence they most certainly make up for in great passion, mischief, and beauty. Knowing this well, Theron pointed to Zindelo, bathing in the river and said “Why! He did it! Surely he must be punished!”
The fairy flew and in an instant was upon Zindelo. The moment he came up for air she bite him hard with “love” all over her teeth, and drew blood upon the neck. Zindelo screamed and cast the little bug away in an instant, but it was too late. Zindelo looked down upon the woman in which he was gathered in, and felt. Warmth rushed down his arms and chest, and his stomach turned and his heart beat faster. He looked away from her, and then back again in confusion, and fear. Her breath seemed more beautiful. Her lips unfolded like the dying sun upon the green horizon. Her eyes told the story of the first time he ever saw the stars in a deep, blue empty sky. Her skin drew him in and moving closer to her, he breathed in her scent, more intoxicating then wine made from the most sacred of vines. The total loss of self washed over him as easily as the water. Zindelo pulled away, and rushed then from the water, screaming into the woods.
Theron then looked to his brother, smiling and said
A long time ago, In the kingdom of Scratch, There existed a realm of ancient ones. They were jealous creatures as they were not allowed a hand in the new creation. So as revenge, the leader, Zepar, unleashed a powerful plague called he jokingly called “Love” unto the people of the new creation. The word “Love” in the land of Scratch meant “A destroying agency; a cause of ruin or of devastation; a destroyer”
Love poisoned the land. The beauty of its infection lay within the speed in which it spread, unnoticed by the lords for thousands of years! In that time it was the cause of wars, bloodshed, unspeakable pain and betrayal, murder, vanity, jealousy, and suffering. Above all else love brought with it a million fold of tears. Love broke spirits, and imprisoned souls. It lured its victims in with the initial sense and feeling of euphoria and peace. Then in time the disease worked its way into the brains of its victims, eating away at their senses until the infected lay a blubbering, sobbing mess on the kitchen floor.
When the higher lords noticed there was a taint in the new creation, they sent after the inhabitants of Old Scratch. But they were given warning, and by then had fled into the world. They hid as nomadic creatures crossing the globe, so as always to keep one step ahead of their pursuers. They lived in bandwagons covering their faces with shiny clothes and glistening beads.
And so it went. The bands dispersed over the course of time, landing first in India then onwards towards Europe. They found their lives to be the most rewarding there. Be it summer or winter, the people now known as “Gypsies” lived beneath the moon and stars. This, was all they needed. Far better then the fear and oppression they experienced in Scratch. Zepar had done them a great good in his mischief, where once he was an outcast among outcasts. Now, they were free and lived off the rich and beautiful earth. They savored the smell of rain, and dirt. They danced naked in open fields and found pleasures in the hunt and even more so in a lustrous kind of dance which they called “The Human Experience”. Fire held the greatest beauty of all, and they would sit close to it and sing, staring into its light. Night after night they would gather and speak of the true magic they held. The gypsies learned to contain this magic so they may show it to the inhabitants without frightening them. As the older ones died out, a new generation was born, and on it went this way for some time. War, poverty and pain served the best tools to reap what the creatures of Scratch had long before sowed. It was in these times of great sorrow the humans came to the gypsies, wringing their hands and begging to be told “Love Exists”. Some played on this fear and benefited from it, taking more and more of the strange coins they never needed in the first place. The ones the humans would desperately throw at them. If only, they could promise something greater then the life in which they were now cursed.
Love was bottled, manufactured and sold, as carelessly as it was unleashed. Its murky dank appearance let on nothing of the deadly power it harnessed. One day, Stiggur and Theron, sons of Zepar sat talking by the river bank that washed through their camp. A third, Zindelo, bathed naked with the other gypsy women as he often did, and took no notice of them as he threw himself again and again into “The Human Experience” with one woman in particular. Theron debated with his brother that it just so might happen, one of their own, could be infected with love, if one were ever to drink the potion that is. Stiggur vehemently denied this was a possibility and on they went until the debate became heated. But they so loved these human moments and fed on the passion, building it higher and higher. It were times such as this, when they argued, cried, and laughed, life on earth was really worth living. But none the less, to prove his point, Theron took from his pocket “love” in a little brown bottle. He got up and begin searching for something in the grass. Once he found was he was looking for he called Stiggur over and motioned for him to be silent. Theron poured the rest of love out into the grass, beside a beautiful fairy, who slept peacefully in the summer winds. In one thrust Theron pushed the fairy into a puddle of love! She awoke, full of rage and confusion and demanded who pushed her in all this muck! What fairies lack in intelligence they most certainly make up for in great passion, mischief, and beauty. Knowing this well, Theron pointed to Zindelo, bathing in the river and said “Why! He did it! Surely he must be punished!”
The fairy flew and in an instant was upon Zindelo. The moment he came up for air she bite him hard with “love” all over her teeth, and drew blood upon the neck. Zindelo screamed and cast the little bug away in an instant, but it was too late. Zindelo looked down upon the woman in which he was gathered in, and felt. Warmth rushed down his arms and chest, and his stomach turned and his heart beat faster. He looked away from her, and then back again in confusion, and fear. Her breath seemed more beautiful. Her lips unfolded like the dying sun upon the green horizon. Her eyes told the story of the first time he ever saw the stars in a deep, blue empty sky. Her skin drew him in and moving closer to her, he breathed in her scent, more intoxicating then wine made from the most sacred of vines. The total loss of self washed over him as easily as the water. Zindelo pulled away, and rushed then from the water, screaming into the woods.
Theron then looked to his brother, smiling and said
The Wolves Of Eisenbach
In the year 1512, a winter so cold fell upon the country side as to drive the wolves of Eisenbach into the village after its people. Human flesh was too sweet a lull and they were too close to death. It was not within the nature of the wolf to act in such a way before this year was upon them. The dark of the night brought forth the howls. Behind closed doors the snarls and snaps at the wooden doors enforced terror from the walls within.
On the morning of the fourth day the village gathered and sent two boys, hardly men to the ruling castle where the only weapons capable of breaking a wolfs skull could be found. The head of the castle was sought after and not found. He had come to retiring to the library and was not one to be fighting creatures of the night at his age. So his sons were requested as they were the only ones knowing of the weaponry at hand. There were five sons that lived in the castle. Of the five two were willing to hear the villagers case. The second oldest and the youngest son who was but 16.
They gathered in the great hall. The young men pleaded with the eldest son to go deep into the black forest where the pack lay, seek them out and kill them. Even if he were to go into the wood and find the pack, he argued, there was not a chance for one to get out alive against the 5 wolves that were known to gather in the village.
The youngest son listened intently to this, and upon hearing his brothers refusal, offered himself to the villages to go and rid the town of wolves.
His bravery was met with mockery and laughter by all. The elder brother had killed a wolf or two before and many venison. The young lad had hardly slew rabbits at best. The hunting was left to men, they said, and he could hardly serve any purpose there in the black forest of beasts, asides for perhaps, wolf bait.
The villagers left. Young Niklas walked to the room of weapons, and there gathered a sword which belonged to his father, a heavy flail, and three daggers which he stored away in his clothing. He wore little but a light breast plate which allowed him much movement, and a spiked collar which would prevent the wolves from too quickly tearing out his throat. He wanted at the very least a slower death which would allow him to kill as many in the pack as time allowed.
Nikalas took his older brothers mare and headed west into the black forest. It was midday when he arrived. The country side was quiet and covered in a thick blanket of pure white snow which, in the daylight, was near blinding. He approached the edge of the wood. It was then he heard the first howl. One joined by another, then in all, a chorus so beautiful and terrible rose around him as if the souls of the dead were joining in an army against him on the frosted earth. He had been seen. They were signaling to one another. He quicken his horses pace and retreated into the open snow. He wished to draw them out. Without the defenses of the wood he would be more likely to take them down. One by one.
Behind him he gazed upon two of the animals. They spent not a moments glance at him, then broke free into a run upon the field. He turned his horse around and headed toward them, The flail in his free hand swinging wildly in the air in its ferocious circle. Before impact the wolves separated. One on either side of him. He hit the wolf on his right full force with the flail and heard his skull crack. The one on his left jumped and tore at the mares body so she shrieked and wailed. Thought he remained on the horse he knew he would not for much longer. She was bleeding, and crying, and it was fear now that kept her running, though this time it was away from the woods as two more of the pack swiftly ran out towards them. He had half a mind himself to run straight back into the village. But it was only a moments fear. And he knew well he might have it. They ran fast behind him, three now in all, and one lay dead. All growled with hunger and the hunt. Closing in on him now in front were three more beasts. It was a trap. Once surrounded, he swung his flail in a circle around them. He hit two more before the wolves had conquered the horses legs and brought her down with him still atop her. Dismounted and throwing the flail down he drew his sword. Now he was breathing and bleeding as heavy as the beasts themselves. Four circled him, and when one would attack he would drive his fathers sword straight through his heart and clean after turn to stab another lunging after with his dagger. He knew what they meant to do. They were trying to wear him down. He was their game. But he did not wear down. Two were now left. They attacked at once, to end their game and him. His arm was almost bitten off, with the one remaining he stabbed wildly at the smaller of the two and screamed as a beast himself upon doing so. The alpha was left and backed away to watch the last of his pack be slaughtered.
Niklas lay, strewn with blood and torn almost open. He breathe heavy with the remaining wolf. The largest. The most beautiful. Their breath, clouds of white smoke in the winters air. He looked into the wolfs eyes. They shone upon him, almost in comfort and peace. The snow begin to fall. All around him, red out-blinded white with the blood of this great and heroic battle. One, which Niklas knew would be the only greatness he would ever achieve in life. Even if he were to have just killed one wolf. Here, he killed five.
The animal circled him and the cold started to take Niklas. He looked to the sky and saw the faint of stars gathering about to appear in the early evening sky. The sky he loved as a child. The sky that gave him the only warmth and comfort as the neglected brother, young and useless to a family of so many that succeeded before him.
He heard a voice now, and looked to the wolf.
“The pack is dead” it said in a lowly and dark whisper “ I will not survive alone this winter”
It was the wolf speaking as it circled him, again and again. Niklas lay and looked with his eyes and heard with his heart, his enemies thoughts. His body almost broken by the others.
“ It is a choice I give to you, the beast spoke and said “You may kill me…you may try… Or…I may kill you, and eat, and stay alive on your bones for winter months, it would be in fact the only choice you were to make for yourself…your whole life….”
Niklas smiled as he lay in the snow and said “Alas you do not see” he said to the wolf…I came here to die. I knew I would die. But what better death could a child as I wish for….I could have lived my life out there… in the castle walls. A shadow to those around me as I have been my whole life…never going further then the village. Always living a life they planned out for me…or…I could come here and meet you…meet my death…and for once…take my life…into my own hands…and that is what …I have Done….Now…I am a hero…where I was…Nothing before…”
Niklas lay in the snow and allowed the wolf to come and tear out his insides. He looked at the sky and clearer now…saw the stars for the last time.
On the morning of the fourth day the village gathered and sent two boys, hardly men to the ruling castle where the only weapons capable of breaking a wolfs skull could be found. The head of the castle was sought after and not found. He had come to retiring to the library and was not one to be fighting creatures of the night at his age. So his sons were requested as they were the only ones knowing of the weaponry at hand. There were five sons that lived in the castle. Of the five two were willing to hear the villagers case. The second oldest and the youngest son who was but 16.
They gathered in the great hall. The young men pleaded with the eldest son to go deep into the black forest where the pack lay, seek them out and kill them. Even if he were to go into the wood and find the pack, he argued, there was not a chance for one to get out alive against the 5 wolves that were known to gather in the village.
The youngest son listened intently to this, and upon hearing his brothers refusal, offered himself to the villages to go and rid the town of wolves.
His bravery was met with mockery and laughter by all. The elder brother had killed a wolf or two before and many venison. The young lad had hardly slew rabbits at best. The hunting was left to men, they said, and he could hardly serve any purpose there in the black forest of beasts, asides for perhaps, wolf bait.
The villagers left. Young Niklas walked to the room of weapons, and there gathered a sword which belonged to his father, a heavy flail, and three daggers which he stored away in his clothing. He wore little but a light breast plate which allowed him much movement, and a spiked collar which would prevent the wolves from too quickly tearing out his throat. He wanted at the very least a slower death which would allow him to kill as many in the pack as time allowed.
Nikalas took his older brothers mare and headed west into the black forest. It was midday when he arrived. The country side was quiet and covered in a thick blanket of pure white snow which, in the daylight, was near blinding. He approached the edge of the wood. It was then he heard the first howl. One joined by another, then in all, a chorus so beautiful and terrible rose around him as if the souls of the dead were joining in an army against him on the frosted earth. He had been seen. They were signaling to one another. He quicken his horses pace and retreated into the open snow. He wished to draw them out. Without the defenses of the wood he would be more likely to take them down. One by one.
Behind him he gazed upon two of the animals. They spent not a moments glance at him, then broke free into a run upon the field. He turned his horse around and headed toward them, The flail in his free hand swinging wildly in the air in its ferocious circle. Before impact the wolves separated. One on either side of him. He hit the wolf on his right full force with the flail and heard his skull crack. The one on his left jumped and tore at the mares body so she shrieked and wailed. Thought he remained on the horse he knew he would not for much longer. She was bleeding, and crying, and it was fear now that kept her running, though this time it was away from the woods as two more of the pack swiftly ran out towards them. He had half a mind himself to run straight back into the village. But it was only a moments fear. And he knew well he might have it. They ran fast behind him, three now in all, and one lay dead. All growled with hunger and the hunt. Closing in on him now in front were three more beasts. It was a trap. Once surrounded, he swung his flail in a circle around them. He hit two more before the wolves had conquered the horses legs and brought her down with him still atop her. Dismounted and throwing the flail down he drew his sword. Now he was breathing and bleeding as heavy as the beasts themselves. Four circled him, and when one would attack he would drive his fathers sword straight through his heart and clean after turn to stab another lunging after with his dagger. He knew what they meant to do. They were trying to wear him down. He was their game. But he did not wear down. Two were now left. They attacked at once, to end their game and him. His arm was almost bitten off, with the one remaining he stabbed wildly at the smaller of the two and screamed as a beast himself upon doing so. The alpha was left and backed away to watch the last of his pack be slaughtered.
Niklas lay, strewn with blood and torn almost open. He breathe heavy with the remaining wolf. The largest. The most beautiful. Their breath, clouds of white smoke in the winters air. He looked into the wolfs eyes. They shone upon him, almost in comfort and peace. The snow begin to fall. All around him, red out-blinded white with the blood of this great and heroic battle. One, which Niklas knew would be the only greatness he would ever achieve in life. Even if he were to have just killed one wolf. Here, he killed five.
The animal circled him and the cold started to take Niklas. He looked to the sky and saw the faint of stars gathering about to appear in the early evening sky. The sky he loved as a child. The sky that gave him the only warmth and comfort as the neglected brother, young and useless to a family of so many that succeeded before him.
He heard a voice now, and looked to the wolf.
“The pack is dead” it said in a lowly and dark whisper “ I will not survive alone this winter”
It was the wolf speaking as it circled him, again and again. Niklas lay and looked with his eyes and heard with his heart, his enemies thoughts. His body almost broken by the others.
“ It is a choice I give to you, the beast spoke and said “You may kill me…you may try… Or…I may kill you, and eat, and stay alive on your bones for winter months, it would be in fact the only choice you were to make for yourself…your whole life….”
Niklas smiled as he lay in the snow and said “Alas you do not see” he said to the wolf…I came here to die. I knew I would die. But what better death could a child as I wish for….I could have lived my life out there… in the castle walls. A shadow to those around me as I have been my whole life…never going further then the village. Always living a life they planned out for me…or…I could come here and meet you…meet my death…and for once…take my life…into my own hands…and that is what …I have Done….Now…I am a hero…where I was…Nothing before…”
Niklas lay in the snow and allowed the wolf to come and tear out his insides. He looked at the sky and clearer now…saw the stars for the last time.
The Silver Birdcage
Once upon a time, there lived a Demon named Bok. Bok was a mischievous demon, and everywhere he went he caused trouble. Bok was also a very greedy demon, and one day he set out into the world to see what he may gain from it.
Bok came across a witch that lived in a magical forest. She possessed a great treasure, a golden birdcage. He did not know what the birdcage did, but he knew that it possessed great powers. He very much wanted it for his own.
He waited in the deep woods hidden by the dark trees that were as black as he, until the old witch fell asleep. Then he went into her house and sprinkled dust upon her so she would sleep even deeper and took the golden birdcage right from her very arms.
The next day Bok was making a fire and looking at the cage. He was wondering what made it so very powerful when along came a toad. Bok was very proud that he had stole the cage from the witch and told the toad what he had done.
"May I see the birdcage?" asked the frog.
"Certainly!” Bok replied.
The frog looked at the cage and played with it for awhile. Finally he did something Bok had not done before. He opened the cage door. A glistening mist of green came out from the frog and went into the cage. Then the door of the golden birdcage shut tight!
"My goodness, what was that?" asked the frog.
" I haven’t the slightest clue" said Bok.
"Well never-mind then, I best be on my way" said the frog and he put the cage down and begin to hop away. To his surprise, he could not hop at all!
"That’s very strange” said the Frog. “I cant seem to jump any longer. Why, I am the best jumper in the whole kingdom! yet somehow now I cannot even so much as hop!"
It was then Bok realized. The golden birdcage had stolen from the frog the best thing there was about a frog, his hop. “Aha” Bok said to himself “The cage is capable of stealing the greatest thing about anyone that dared opened its beautiful golden doors! How wondrous!”
Bok could see the mist of the frogs hop in between the bars of the cage and he quickly opened the doors again and out came the frogs hop and landed right on Bok’s chest! Bok was gifted the frogs hop, and Bok hopped away as fast as he could before the frog could catch him!
"Why" Bok thought, "with this cage I could steal the skills and talents of all the best of the townspeople! and then when my cage is full, open it myself. I shall be the best at everything and no one will catch or try to stop me then! look I am already the best jumper! I shall take this into the town and look for the very best of people and steal from them the best they have to offer!"
And Bok did just that. He entered the town under a disguise and one by one stole the very best of the townspeople. He stole the skill to shoot a bow and arrow from the best arch man, and the ability to write and speak beautifully from the poet. He even stole the town jesters juggling skills! He stole the bravery of a knight, The wisdom of a scholar and the strength of the towns strongest axmen.
His cage was becoming more full and he knew it was only a matter of time before it was filled and thought carefully as to what he may fill the rest of the cage with. Bok then thought this town had done him as much good as it possibly could. He had taken all the best from its people. Then he thought, what good were all these skills without the power to rule over a kingdom? why not steal the royalty and riches of a prince? or better yet, a king! and he set off to the kingdom to find the king.
Now, in the next kingdom over lived a Boy, strong in heart and pure love. The love he possessed was in its greatest form for the princess, the young daughter of the powerful and rich king. Lo, no peasant no matter how big his heart would ever be able to marry a princess. But, the boy remained strong and true in pure love for her. The princess of the kingdom was known as the "ICE PRINCESS" for she was mean and heartless and never returned the love of the boy or any of her subjects. Her father, the king, was equally heartless and they shared no love for each other or the people of their kingdom, who lived in sadness under their rule.
Night after night the peasant would profess his love for the princess and night after night she would demonstrate a terrible cruelness towards him.
The boy in his great sadness was walking through the forest one night and came across Bok, sleeping by the fire, the golden birdcage by his side. the sight of Bok frightened the boy, but the golden birdcage was beautiful. He went quietly over to it and picked up to get a closer look. Inside he could see the many different beautiful glowing colors, unaware they were the greatest attributes captured. He was very curious to see the colors closer and opened its doors. The cage glowed and took from the boy his love for the princess , as that was his greatest strength. Its doors snapped shut and to his surprise the cage now gleamed a remarkable shiny silver instead of gold. The cage was now filled.
"What have you done!" Bok shouted, the sound of the doors snapping had awoke him.
"I was saving the last of the cages power for the royalty of the king! Now it is filled with love! BAH!" Bok took the cage from the boy and ran deep into the woods away from the fire leaving the boy for the first time in his life, without love in his heart for the princess and alone in the darkness of the surrounding wood.
The boy sat, feeling nothing and though "OH! this is wonderful! so much better then my heartache before! Now I may think clearly" he sat there thinking logically and not in love for the first time in his life, and set out again to find the demon Bok. Having found him he asked "what do you want most in this world, the skills you have gathered in this cage or the power to rule over a mighty kingdom?" Bok thought about it and answered " The power to rule over a mighty kingdom", Then the boy whispered his plan to the angry demon so that even the trees could not hear them and inform the king of what awaited him at sunrise.
The very next day Bok and the boy entered the kingdom, with promise to show the king and his heartless daughter a very powerful treasure.
"Behold!" said the boy, here we have found amongst the forest a magical treasure, whoever shall open it shall be gifted the greatest of talents and skill, strength, wisdom and power!"
Knowing the king would be greedy but suspicious, he first suggested his daughter open the cage least any harm should come to him, and being heartless, did not mind if his daughter was sacrificed in the event that the cage bring harm to the one who opened it. She being as greedy as a demon snatched up the cage and opened it without a second thought and out rushed all the talents it had been holding. Wisdom, strength, and bravely all rushed out and the princess was granted all of them. Lastly, the love the boy had for the princess was cast upon her and she felt for the first time in her life what it was like to love. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she exclaimed "Oh father! it truly is magical!" the doors of the cage closed. Empty again, it turned to gold.
With no knowledge the cage was now empty and seeing the power it gifted his daughter the king took the cage from her arms and opened its door yet again. Then his royalty, riches and all the power he possessed left the king and entered into the cage. The king sat speechless not knowing what had happened and quicker then lightning Bok took the cage from his arms. "Wait! said the boy "let me hold the cage for you and point it toward you as I open it! you wouldn’t want any royalty to spill away in your hastiness!"
"You are right!" exclaimed Bok and he handed the cage to the boy. But instead of pointing it towards Bok he pointed it towards himself and opened the cage so that he instead of the demon would be granted the power to rule over all.
The boy then banished the Demon Bok, and the ruthless man who use to be king. The princess now with all gifts granted to her, including that of love, begged the new king to let her stay and love her as he had loved her all the years before, for now, she finally loved him.
"You may go as well princess. My love for the kingdom and its people is strong, as that love came second to the love I had for you. Alas now my love for you has gone."
All three then left the kingdom never to be heard from again, and the new good king reigned in prosperity.
Bok came across a witch that lived in a magical forest. She possessed a great treasure, a golden birdcage. He did not know what the birdcage did, but he knew that it possessed great powers. He very much wanted it for his own.
He waited in the deep woods hidden by the dark trees that were as black as he, until the old witch fell asleep. Then he went into her house and sprinkled dust upon her so she would sleep even deeper and took the golden birdcage right from her very arms.
The next day Bok was making a fire and looking at the cage. He was wondering what made it so very powerful when along came a toad. Bok was very proud that he had stole the cage from the witch and told the toad what he had done.
"May I see the birdcage?" asked the frog.
"Certainly!” Bok replied.
The frog looked at the cage and played with it for awhile. Finally he did something Bok had not done before. He opened the cage door. A glistening mist of green came out from the frog and went into the cage. Then the door of the golden birdcage shut tight!
"My goodness, what was that?" asked the frog.
" I haven’t the slightest clue" said Bok.
"Well never-mind then, I best be on my way" said the frog and he put the cage down and begin to hop away. To his surprise, he could not hop at all!
"That’s very strange” said the Frog. “I cant seem to jump any longer. Why, I am the best jumper in the whole kingdom! yet somehow now I cannot even so much as hop!"
It was then Bok realized. The golden birdcage had stolen from the frog the best thing there was about a frog, his hop. “Aha” Bok said to himself “The cage is capable of stealing the greatest thing about anyone that dared opened its beautiful golden doors! How wondrous!”
Bok could see the mist of the frogs hop in between the bars of the cage and he quickly opened the doors again and out came the frogs hop and landed right on Bok’s chest! Bok was gifted the frogs hop, and Bok hopped away as fast as he could before the frog could catch him!
"Why" Bok thought, "with this cage I could steal the skills and talents of all the best of the townspeople! and then when my cage is full, open it myself. I shall be the best at everything and no one will catch or try to stop me then! look I am already the best jumper! I shall take this into the town and look for the very best of people and steal from them the best they have to offer!"
And Bok did just that. He entered the town under a disguise and one by one stole the very best of the townspeople. He stole the skill to shoot a bow and arrow from the best arch man, and the ability to write and speak beautifully from the poet. He even stole the town jesters juggling skills! He stole the bravery of a knight, The wisdom of a scholar and the strength of the towns strongest axmen.
His cage was becoming more full and he knew it was only a matter of time before it was filled and thought carefully as to what he may fill the rest of the cage with. Bok then thought this town had done him as much good as it possibly could. He had taken all the best from its people. Then he thought, what good were all these skills without the power to rule over a kingdom? why not steal the royalty and riches of a prince? or better yet, a king! and he set off to the kingdom to find the king.
Now, in the next kingdom over lived a Boy, strong in heart and pure love. The love he possessed was in its greatest form for the princess, the young daughter of the powerful and rich king. Lo, no peasant no matter how big his heart would ever be able to marry a princess. But, the boy remained strong and true in pure love for her. The princess of the kingdom was known as the "ICE PRINCESS" for she was mean and heartless and never returned the love of the boy or any of her subjects. Her father, the king, was equally heartless and they shared no love for each other or the people of their kingdom, who lived in sadness under their rule.
Night after night the peasant would profess his love for the princess and night after night she would demonstrate a terrible cruelness towards him.
The boy in his great sadness was walking through the forest one night and came across Bok, sleeping by the fire, the golden birdcage by his side. the sight of Bok frightened the boy, but the golden birdcage was beautiful. He went quietly over to it and picked up to get a closer look. Inside he could see the many different beautiful glowing colors, unaware they were the greatest attributes captured. He was very curious to see the colors closer and opened its doors. The cage glowed and took from the boy his love for the princess , as that was his greatest strength. Its doors snapped shut and to his surprise the cage now gleamed a remarkable shiny silver instead of gold. The cage was now filled.
"What have you done!" Bok shouted, the sound of the doors snapping had awoke him.
"I was saving the last of the cages power for the royalty of the king! Now it is filled with love! BAH!" Bok took the cage from the boy and ran deep into the woods away from the fire leaving the boy for the first time in his life, without love in his heart for the princess and alone in the darkness of the surrounding wood.
The boy sat, feeling nothing and though "OH! this is wonderful! so much better then my heartache before! Now I may think clearly" he sat there thinking logically and not in love for the first time in his life, and set out again to find the demon Bok. Having found him he asked "what do you want most in this world, the skills you have gathered in this cage or the power to rule over a mighty kingdom?" Bok thought about it and answered " The power to rule over a mighty kingdom", Then the boy whispered his plan to the angry demon so that even the trees could not hear them and inform the king of what awaited him at sunrise.
The very next day Bok and the boy entered the kingdom, with promise to show the king and his heartless daughter a very powerful treasure.
"Behold!" said the boy, here we have found amongst the forest a magical treasure, whoever shall open it shall be gifted the greatest of talents and skill, strength, wisdom and power!"
Knowing the king would be greedy but suspicious, he first suggested his daughter open the cage least any harm should come to him, and being heartless, did not mind if his daughter was sacrificed in the event that the cage bring harm to the one who opened it. She being as greedy as a demon snatched up the cage and opened it without a second thought and out rushed all the talents it had been holding. Wisdom, strength, and bravely all rushed out and the princess was granted all of them. Lastly, the love the boy had for the princess was cast upon her and she felt for the first time in her life what it was like to love. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she exclaimed "Oh father! it truly is magical!" the doors of the cage closed. Empty again, it turned to gold.
With no knowledge the cage was now empty and seeing the power it gifted his daughter the king took the cage from her arms and opened its door yet again. Then his royalty, riches and all the power he possessed left the king and entered into the cage. The king sat speechless not knowing what had happened and quicker then lightning Bok took the cage from his arms. "Wait! said the boy "let me hold the cage for you and point it toward you as I open it! you wouldn’t want any royalty to spill away in your hastiness!"
"You are right!" exclaimed Bok and he handed the cage to the boy. But instead of pointing it towards Bok he pointed it towards himself and opened the cage so that he instead of the demon would be granted the power to rule over all.
The boy then banished the Demon Bok, and the ruthless man who use to be king. The princess now with all gifts granted to her, including that of love, begged the new king to let her stay and love her as he had loved her all the years before, for now, she finally loved him.
"You may go as well princess. My love for the kingdom and its people is strong, as that love came second to the love I had for you. Alas now my love for you has gone."
All three then left the kingdom never to be heard from again, and the new good king reigned in prosperity.
The Songs Of Sunlight
Once upon a time there lived a lonely young owl. She grew up in the woods surrounded by a beautiful land that was known for magical sunrises. With the break of every day, Owl would hoot and beg for her parents to let her stay awake so she too may see the golden dawn, but alas her parents would usher her into the tree and whisper “Good-day young owl, sleep as the night awaits“.
As she slept, owl would hear the birds sing outside her tree. Their song was happy, and she could smell grass and blooming flowers through the cold dark wood that cradled her day. She would dream that she were singing with them, graceful and kind, the sunlight warming her face. She dreamt she could fly among the light with golden rays and the love of friends swimming all about her.
When night approached owl would be permitted to leave the tree once more, and go out among the night to sing. By that time, all the birds of day were gone. Owl would sit on her branch, cold and alone and hoot. “Hoo-ooo….Hoo--ooo” owl would call out to anyone who could hear. But no birds every responded to her song.
One night Owl asked her parents why must she sit and sing alone, with only darkness surrounding her, never to see the light.
“The owl is a night creature my dear” her mother would say “and an ALONE one…we do not sing during the day, and we do not sing with other birds, this is our nature”.
Night came and went. Each day Owl ached more and more for the songs of sunlight. One night, as Owl sat on her branch, singing alone, she decided to fly away to search for a land where it was never night, and where all the birds could sing together.
Owl flew far away, but everywhere she went, she learned that the sun rose, as it did set. Every time the sun set, she retreated into a tree to sleep and dream alone.
One night, after a long night of crying on her branch, Owl saw the sun begin to rise. She turned her back to the light and proceeded to walk into the tree when she heard the sound of something small land on the wood behind her. Owl turned with a start.
“WHOOOO are you?” Owl asked.
“ Who me? Oh I am just a bird” a little sparrow answered. “Where are you going?” the sparrow asked, tilting her head left to right in curiosity.
“I am going into my tree” Owl responded. “I have searched long for a land where the night did not live, and it would always be day so I may feel warmth, and sing the songs of sunlight with the other birds, such as yourself, but I have found that none exists.”
“Of course not silly!” the little bird peeped. “Everywhere you go you are going to find night! Just as you are going to find day!”
“I know” Owl said, “That is why I am sad…Good-day to you” Owl said to the sparrow and begin to walk away.
“But Owl!” the bird said, “Day and night are choices. When I landed on your branch I saw you turn away from the sunrise to go into the tree. So you see, The day is not turning its back on you, you are turning your back on the day.”
“I am?” said the owl
“You are” said the little sparrow.
The bird turned around “See there?” She said pointing towards the sky “The sun still rises, and it is always going to rise no matter where you go. The land you have been searching for has been with you all along. It is right here. Why don’t you watch it with me…and sing”
Owl looked into the distance and squinted her eyes, Gold rays dawned upon her face and both sunlight and tears of joy washed down upon her.
That dawn, and many dawns after, Owl saw the sunrise and the sunset. Owl learned her nature was not what she was born into, but the happiness that became her. She no longer flew by night but lived among the day singing the songs of sunlight, happier then any owl could have dared dream to be. Every night before she went to sleep as the stars begin to rise, Owl would look at them dearly and as she closed her eyes, would whisper…
“Good night young owl, sleep as the day awaits.”
As she slept, owl would hear the birds sing outside her tree. Their song was happy, and she could smell grass and blooming flowers through the cold dark wood that cradled her day. She would dream that she were singing with them, graceful and kind, the sunlight warming her face. She dreamt she could fly among the light with golden rays and the love of friends swimming all about her.
When night approached owl would be permitted to leave the tree once more, and go out among the night to sing. By that time, all the birds of day were gone. Owl would sit on her branch, cold and alone and hoot. “Hoo-ooo….Hoo--ooo” owl would call out to anyone who could hear. But no birds every responded to her song.
One night Owl asked her parents why must she sit and sing alone, with only darkness surrounding her, never to see the light.
“The owl is a night creature my dear” her mother would say “and an ALONE one…we do not sing during the day, and we do not sing with other birds, this is our nature”.
Night came and went. Each day Owl ached more and more for the songs of sunlight. One night, as Owl sat on her branch, singing alone, she decided to fly away to search for a land where it was never night, and where all the birds could sing together.
Owl flew far away, but everywhere she went, she learned that the sun rose, as it did set. Every time the sun set, she retreated into a tree to sleep and dream alone.
One night, after a long night of crying on her branch, Owl saw the sun begin to rise. She turned her back to the light and proceeded to walk into the tree when she heard the sound of something small land on the wood behind her. Owl turned with a start.
“WHOOOO are you?” Owl asked.
“ Who me? Oh I am just a bird” a little sparrow answered. “Where are you going?” the sparrow asked, tilting her head left to right in curiosity.
“I am going into my tree” Owl responded. “I have searched long for a land where the night did not live, and it would always be day so I may feel warmth, and sing the songs of sunlight with the other birds, such as yourself, but I have found that none exists.”
“Of course not silly!” the little bird peeped. “Everywhere you go you are going to find night! Just as you are going to find day!”
“I know” Owl said, “That is why I am sad…Good-day to you” Owl said to the sparrow and begin to walk away.
“But Owl!” the bird said, “Day and night are choices. When I landed on your branch I saw you turn away from the sunrise to go into the tree. So you see, The day is not turning its back on you, you are turning your back on the day.”
“I am?” said the owl
“You are” said the little sparrow.
The bird turned around “See there?” She said pointing towards the sky “The sun still rises, and it is always going to rise no matter where you go. The land you have been searching for has been with you all along. It is right here. Why don’t you watch it with me…and sing”
Owl looked into the distance and squinted her eyes, Gold rays dawned upon her face and both sunlight and tears of joy washed down upon her.
That dawn, and many dawns after, Owl saw the sunrise and the sunset. Owl learned her nature was not what she was born into, but the happiness that became her. She no longer flew by night but lived among the day singing the songs of sunlight, happier then any owl could have dared dream to be. Every night before she went to sleep as the stars begin to rise, Owl would look at them dearly and as she closed her eyes, would whisper…
“Good night young owl, sleep as the day awaits.”
Learning To Fly
I am listening to the music I have written over the years. It is so beautiful….I am so beautiful. It makes me really sad I have allowed so many peoples negative opinions penetrate that belief in myself over the years. To turn inward what should have been expressed and celebrated as beauty, talent, and love. I have let that be my excuse for a very long time. I have let the pain, the insecurity, the doubt…win.
I am not alone in this. I know and have seen so many who let their current lives, relationships, jobs, parents, and other people opinions rule them. Shame on these people. These black souls who take the light they see in others and suck it out like psychic vampires. Because THEY are dark. Because THEY are alone. Because THEY are sad. The souls who live in light allow the Dark ones among them, and in their lives out of sympathy and a want to help them, and what do they do? bleed them dry. A vampire is a vampire. They need another, depend on another as their life source. Do not be a vampire. Be your own life source.
I have waited. For years. For someone to make me feel good about myself. To validate my existence. To appreciate me. To see me. To look and me and say “ YES…You are good”. That is all I ever really wanted. A prince maybe…to rescue me. I am not the first to wait for the one. But no one is ever going to. So I am going to rescue myself. Be my own knight. Ride away from the castle and never look back.
Belief in myself did not come without a price. I need my suffering to be over. I need the wait…to be over.
Everyone gets to a point, they need to make a decision. They could either let their past pain, hurt and circumstances, win…or they could take back the reigns, change direction and laugh into the wind. So that is what I am going to do. I am leaving it all behind. I am forgiving everything. Its like learning to live again, or in my case…fly.
I am not alone in this. I know and have seen so many who let their current lives, relationships, jobs, parents, and other people opinions rule them. Shame on these people. These black souls who take the light they see in others and suck it out like psychic vampires. Because THEY are dark. Because THEY are alone. Because THEY are sad. The souls who live in light allow the Dark ones among them, and in their lives out of sympathy and a want to help them, and what do they do? bleed them dry. A vampire is a vampire. They need another, depend on another as their life source. Do not be a vampire. Be your own life source.
I have waited. For years. For someone to make me feel good about myself. To validate my existence. To appreciate me. To see me. To look and me and say “ YES…You are good”. That is all I ever really wanted. A prince maybe…to rescue me. I am not the first to wait for the one. But no one is ever going to. So I am going to rescue myself. Be my own knight. Ride away from the castle and never look back.
Belief in myself did not come without a price. I need my suffering to be over. I need the wait…to be over.
Everyone gets to a point, they need to make a decision. They could either let their past pain, hurt and circumstances, win…or they could take back the reigns, change direction and laugh into the wind. So that is what I am going to do. I am leaving it all behind. I am forgiving everything. Its like learning to live again, or in my case…fly.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Octo was in a state of complete self-loathing. It seemed to him, for many months now he was a burden to his family. Yes, a burden, even to them. He ate little and slept through night into day. Every time he looked out his window, made of continuous rainfall, he remembered why he wanted it just that way. So that he alone could always see the world in its eternal maelstrom.
It was more appropriate then ever today. Poor octo would press his tear soaked cheek to the glass and wish to disappear.
His rabbit C.C. would sniff curiously at his weighted heels and look up to him. Through his little oxygen mask, he would breath and glare.
“ What’s wrong with my parent today? What ails him so?” Octo could not answer but go back to bed, and sleep the day away.
He awoke again at noon. His brothers were having fun. Vaughn had captured Emmett again. And they were bickering through the barred walls of Emmett’s cage.
“I have just had it this time!” shouted Vaughn “One slug bug is too many! And they are mine you hear! MINE! You an that wretched Rubella have savored the last of my friends!”
“Yours?!” spat back Emmett “I practically breed them! They come from MY Mine, while you live in your fancy quarters I am exiled to the south wing in all its Corroded glory! Poor Vaughn must eat Venison every night! Well what do you think I have to eat?!”
Octo glided in quietly behind them and watched. His presence went unnoticed, as it often did, until he spoke in his silent and loving manner.
“Vaughn? Emmett is hungry and there is so much deer on the grounds, we could share some most certainly”
The captor and captive stopped their cold war and looked his way. Vaughn in astonished disgust. Emmett at the sight of Octo’s state of teary disarray laughed manically in his face.
“My, even Emmett, who is trapped in a cage is laughing at me” thought poor Octo.
This infuriated him quiet a bit and he grew angry.
“What are you laughing at?! Maniac! Your trapped, Vaughn finally caught you and will probably never let you out! He’ll starve you for eating his pets! That’s what he’ll do!” he stammered.
Emmett Continued to laugh “Ehehehehehe! Oh! I will get out of my cage! I’ll get out! ehehehe but you, you will never get out of YOURS! Eheheheehe!”
Emmett was always disturbingly perceptive.
Defeated and nauseated with fury and sadness Octo returned to his study and slammed the door. He slumped against it and slide down to the floor. Tears swelled silently in his enormous black eyes. No sooner were two shed then a tremendous crash was heard. Emmett had indeed broken free of his cage and he and Vaughn now ran down the hall in maniacal laughter and shouting after one another. Surely destroying the mansion walls along the way.
“I am a joke” Octo thought. “even to my brothers…No one cares to even look my way, Nor will she whom I love return anything….close to love. It is not working…but…” He begin to cry louder “ I’ve tried so very hard. I’ve tried…” trailing off he looked down now to C.C who crept onto his lap. He pet the barely breathing creature. C.C. Licked him through his mask and Octo played with the tubes that attached to his little oxygen tank.
“I’m going now, do you want to come with me C.C?”
The bunny would breath and glare, looking up to his parent and wonder “why?”
Octo went to his desk and retrieved his rice paper and a pen and wrote;
I have thought often of this day. I always imagined something would indeed send me away, as in a final hurrah! of pain. But that is just it you see, today was a day like all the others. Today no one looked at me and smiled, or reached to stoke away some tears. No one spoke nicely to me or asked me how I felt. I Know the mines have changed us all. And coming to live in this house was a mistake. It is not to late for anyone but myself. I know with Vaughn and Emmett’s genius minds, together, you can find a cure for this…malformation that we have become. If only you could work together, as once we all did. Even if to stuff a squirrel or two. Remember those day? I do.
I go, breath spent and dying
Into the world next
In which I hope will not await me
With the pain and the suffering
I have sustained here
At the hands
Of those I love
Octo put down his pen and went towards his closet, stopping first at the window of rain. For once he thought to turn it off, end the glamour that trickled down its glass. He wondered if he did, would he see the sun? Or would there be darkness and rain still? Perhaps, he thought, if the sun were shining, feeling the warmth on his face would dry his tears. He waved his hand over the window. The glamour sizzled and seized but no sunshine awaited him. It was raining outside. The window was no different.
In his closet he gathered the rope and tied it around the high beam of his study. He kissed C.C goodbye and made his noose. He faced the chair toward the massive window. For the first and last time he saw the real rain fall. He Spoke;
“Illusion or reality, My world has stayed the same,
I was nothing to anyone…anyway. I fall now with the rain”
Octo kicked the chair out from under him and hung. The noose tightened around his neck and he was paralyzed with fear and choking. He hung there gasping for air as the body instinctively will do, whether the heart wants air or not. He soon calmed to the point where death was accepted and eyes bulging, took his last glance out into the world.
Then silence. Blackness. A crack and a fall. He lay breathing again on the floor. His thoughts in time grew clear and he realized the beam had broken. The beam had broken because Vaughn must have known what he was going to do…No…the beam had broken because Vaughn had sawn it through. It was another trap set for Emmett who was known to spy on them by crawling through the ceiling like the toxic rat he had become.
No one knew he lay there, No one cared what the thunderous crash was. He lay on the floor in silence, save for the rainfall. The real rainfall. Then he heard a crinkling of paper. C.C was eating his suicide note.
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