On top Of a pumpkin hill, All Hallows Eve
The sun slowly set in a bright orange gleam
Everywhere you looked, children ran about
Looking for the perfect pumpkin to carve inside out
“I found a great one!” yelled one little child
“This one is better!” said a boy running wild
Every pumpkin was chosen that was seen in sight
To be part of this magic Halloween night
The sky began to dim, the sun no longer shone
But there was still one pumpkin left, and he was all alone
His surface wasn’t smooth, and his lines were all wrong
He looked more like an orange piece of corn
Two girls ran over to see this lone pumpkin
And he smiled till one shouted “ That pumpkin is a Lumpkin!”
“I’m just as good as those other ones! Why wasn’t I picked?!”
Then he saw his reflection in a nearby puddle making him very, very sick.
Night turned to day and still the Lumpkin sat
His only friend was a ratty black cat
Night came again and still he waited
And waited and waited and waited and waited
“Oh well!” he cried “I give up hope!”
“No one wants me, I’m a pumpkin joke!”
He fell asleep under the moon close to midnight
Until he awoke with a startling fright
Two witched grew near and Lumpkin grew scared
He his in the grass and pretended he was not there
But, they saw him anyway and shouted “This is the one!”
“We will enter HIM in the contest. Now this will be fun!”
“Oh NO!” Lumpkin thought “They will make fun of me too!”
“and enter me in the contest because I am so ugly! Boo Hoo!”
At the ball witches gathered from all over the world
Each one has a pumpkin to make your blood curl
Green ones and black ones Lumpkin saw them all
But Thought “I am still the ugliest at the ball”
With a tear Lumpkin sighed, now everyone will laugh and stare
At the ugliest pumpkin they will cackle and glare
Sure enough the two witches won who found Lumpkin alone
And they received the prize pumpkin cup made of graveyard stone
As they held Lumpkin up high, above all with his prize
They announced why he won, with a surprise he realized
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